How to be first on Google search in RI

Do you own a business and would love to be first when searching “Dry Cleaners RI” or maybe “Car Rental RI”?

It can be challenging to rank first on Google’s list of search results. There is no guarantee that you will be first, and even ranking on the first page can require a lot of work. Nevertheless, it is possible. Follow the steps in this article to find out how to rank first in Google.

words Choose a Phrase

First, you need to choose a phrase that you want to target. For this article we will use the phrase “Computer Repair RI” just for fun. So for your purpose, we will imagine that you want to rank first on Google when users type in “Computer Repair RI“.


Choose Keywords/URL


Second, you will choose a URL with the keyword phrase in it. The easiest way is to have a domain name with the keyword phrase. For example, if you have, you will likely appear first or at least second. But if your domain is something else, you still need to put the keyword phrase in the URL. For example Putting your keyword phrase in the URL is very helpful. Create meaningful titles to your posts and pages. Make sure that the text in the HTML title tag contains meaningful keywords that convey the information contained in the page.



Your website should be based off of WordPress. It is fast and easy to post new articles to as well. It is very important to have your website load fast. Google will lower your search ranking if it is not. Try to have the page load in under 2 seconds. You can check this by going to If your speed is slow you can check out sparringmind for a more in-depth guide on increasing your website speed. The three main keys I would recommend would be WordPress, W3total Cache plugin, and CloudFlare. All of these are free, you just need to install them or have a company install them for you.



Get your site listed on other sites already listed high in Google’s search rankings. Make sure the links have relevant keywords pointing to your site. For example, a link pointing to “Computer Repair RI” will rank the linked-to page higher in Google’s search results rather than a link that says “click here.” Use keywords in your articles that describe the topic and are terms that Google users are likely to search for. Sprinkle keywords through your articles, but don’t overdo it — keep your articles to the point and don’t insert random terms, or Google may think you are “Keyword Stuffing” and will not list your website in its search engine.


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Be Social

Make sure to have a WordPress social plugin. Having something at the bottom of each post so that people can share your site will help tremendously. Shareaholic reports all of your important actionable social media metrics including popular pages on your website, referral channels, and such. Also, it will show who are making referrals and spreading your webpages on the internet on your behalf, bringing you back more traffic and new visitors. Google likes these referrals much better than any other sort of link-backs.



Do these steps above and you will have a very high chance of being first on Google. Another great article to check out would be by stasosphere, which lets you find out how to be on top in Google’s local/map results.